Our inner landscape

Point Reyes National Seashore

Point Reyes National Seashore

I spent much of this last weekend in nature with loved ones and deeply believe there is no greater medicine. With our lives the way they are, it’s so easy to forget that we do not simply exist IN our environment - instead we consist entirely OF it. Our bodies themselves are fully functioning ecosystems that abide by the same laws of nature that we witness in the world around us - so it makes good sense that getting ourselves outside can be profoundly healing.

Take a moment to consider what natural landscape you love the most. For me, it’s both a sun dappled old growth forest and a coastal cliff (making Point Reyes National Seashore an effective remedy if I’m feeling drained or out of sorts). The landscape you most crave tells us a great deal about what your body needs to function most optimally. If you’d like, describe for me your favorite natural habitat (give me all the details: is it dry and sunny? damp and cool?) and I’ll share a little about how you can use that information to support yourself with specific lifestyle shifts. Either reply below or send me an email and we’ll be in conversation. xo

Nettle Leaf Infusion


One of my favorite things to recommend to folks looking for some extra energy is a Nettle Leaf Infusion. Nettles build energy, support the kidneys and adrenals, and are rich in bone building nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. They have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and are often used to soothe pain or allergies. An excellent source of vitamins A, D, E, and K, this delicious drink keeps my immune system strong during cold and flu season and is a healthy alternative to my morning coffee. 

To make the infusion, put a cup of dried nettle leaves (you can get them here) into a quart ball jar, fill with boiling water, cover tightly and let infuse for 4-10 hours. Strain and drink in a day or two. 

Herb Spotlight : Red Raspberry Leaf

High in magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins A, B, C and E, Raspberry Leaf Tea is a nourishing mineral-rich tonic. 

I recommend it to all of my pregnant patients during their second and third trimesters for its remarkable ability to both relax and tone the uterus in preparation for birth. It can also be used effectively for menstrual issues, morning sickness and fertility support. Use it as a strong tea or tincture on canker sores or inflamed gums. Externally, it can also east the symptoms of eczema, sunburn or other skin rash. 

The taste is similar to a fruity black tea but without the caffeine (making it a perfect substitute for those trying to cut down on coffee). I love mixing it with nettles and rose hips to boost my energy and immunity. 

A Public Service Announcement from my friend, The Succulent

The only way to survive and THRIVE in harsh environments (i.e. Life) is to build up your inner reserves. Your engine will simply not run on empty. So go drink a glass of water. Take a cat nap (or nap with a cat). Walk around the block. Call a friend. Pump up a jam. Anything that resets and revitalizes you. I promise you'll feel better.

My Story

Verve. Original etching by Lithuanian artist Valdas Misevicius.

Verve. Original etching by Lithuanian artist Valdas Misevicius.

I deeply believe that acupuncture has the power to transform lives. 

After college I worked in homeless shelters with women and children for nearly a decade. It was work I dearly loved but my efforts to relieve suffering in the lives of the people I cared for felt grossly inadequate. I craved a tool - something that would make more of a profound and lasting impact. So when I landed in an acupuncturist’s office after years of failed medical intervention for chronic digestive issues and finally felt relief, I knew I had found my tool.

As soon as I was licensed I began volunteering at the Charlotte Maxwell Integrative Cancer Clinic – an incredible organization that offers free acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, and other support services to low income women with cancer. My first patient there had been living for nine very long years with severe back pain due to cancer in her spine. She had never had acupuncture before and was skeptical it would make a difference. After her treatment she stood up and started d a n c i n g – saying she couldn’t remember the last time she had experienced such relief.

That was a moment I will never forget. A moment that entirely validated my commitment to practice this medicine. 

Again and again I see the transformative effects that acupuncture has on people (body, mind and spirit) and feel overwhelmingly grateful to have found my tool.